Spätestens seit „The Dubliners“ in den siebziger Jahren mit der traditionellen Musik ihres Landes kommerziellen Erfolg feierten, erfreut sich irische Volksmusik auch über die Grenzen der Insel hinaus immer größerer Beliebtheit. Es hat eine ganz eigene Faszination, wenn man in einem Pub sitzt und gemeinsam Irish Folk Songs singt. Genau diesem Lebensgefühl hat sich Horst Gössl verschrieben, der in einer unnachahmlichen One Man Live Performance authentisches Temple Bar – Feeling auf die Bühne zaubert. Es wird neben klassischen Trink- und Seemannsliedern Songs über das Unabhängigkeitsbestreben Irlands, den immerwährenden Religionskonflikt sowie wunderschöne Balladen zu hören geben - ein interaktives Programm, bei dem das Publikum nicht unwesentlich bei Songs wie „Rare Old Mountain Dew“, „All For Me Grog“ und „The Wild Rover“ singend und klatschend mit einbezogen wird.
Der weltbekannte Gitarrist, Sänger und Songwriter Mark Tremonti, der bereits 18 Alben mit Creed, Alter Bridge und anderen veröffentlicht hat, meldet sich mit seinem sechsten Album mit seiner Soloband Tremonti zurück. Das neue Album mit dem Titel The End Will Show Us How wird am 10. Januar 2025 weltweit über seinen langjährigen Partner Napalm Records veröffentlicht.
2025 kommt Tremonti dann mit dem neuem Album auch nach Wien!
Dropkick Murphys proudly remain Boston’s rock ‘n’ roll underdogs turned champions. Since 1996, the boys have created the kind of music that’s meant to be chanted at last call, in packed arenas, and during the fourth quarter, third period, or ninth inning of a comeback rally. Their celebrated discography includes four consecutive Billboard top 10 album debuts (Turn Up That Dial, 11 Short Stories Of Pain & Glory, Signed and Sealed in Blood, Going Out In Style), along with 2005’s Certified-Gold The Warrior’s Code featuring the double platinum classic “I’m Shipping Up To Boston.” Whether you caught a legendary gig at The Rathskeller (The Rat) under Kenmore Square, found the band by taking the T to Newbury Comics to cop Do Or Die in ’98, discovered them in Martin Scorsese’s Academy Award winning The Departed, or saw ‘em throw down at Coachella (or one of hundreds of other festivals), you’ve become a part of their extended family. Dropkick Murphys’ music has generated half-a-billion streams, they’ve quietly moved 8 million-plus units worldwide and the band has sold out gigs on multiple continents.
In 2020, the band was one of the first to embrace streaming performances, starting with their Streaming Up From Boston St. Patrick’s Day virtual performance. It was followed by their landmark Streaming Outta Fenway livestream, which drew more than 5.9 million viewers and held the #3 spot on Pollstar’s “Top 2020 Live Streams” chart. Dropkick Murphys St. Patrick’s Day Stream 2021…Still Locked Down, was #1 on Pollstar’s Livestream chart for the week ending March 22, 2021, logging over 1 million views. Dropkick Murphys returned in 2022 with their first-ever all-acoustic album, This Machine Still Kills Fascists (Dummy Luck Music / [PIAS]), and seated theater tour. This Machine Still Kills Fascists–and their follow-up album Okemah Rising–breathe musical life into mostly unpublished lyrics by the legendary Woody Guthrie, curated for the band by Woody’s daughter Nora Guthrie.
Dropkick Murphys proudly remain Boston’s rock ‘n’ roll underdogs turned champions. Since 1996, the boys have created the kind of music that’s meant to be chanted at last call, in packed arenas, and during the fourth quarter, third period, or ninth inning of a comeback rally. Their celebrated discography includes four consecutive Billboard top 10 album debuts (Turn Up That Dial, 11 Short Stories Of Pain & Glory, Signed and Sealed in Blood, Going Out In Style), along with 2005’s Certified-Gold The Warrior’s Code featuring the double platinum classic “I’m Shipping Up To Boston.” Whether you caught a legendary gig at The Rathskeller (The Rat) under Kenmore Square, found the band by taking the T to Newbury Comics to cop Do Or Die in ’98, discovered them in Martin Scorsese’s Academy Award winning The Departed, or saw ‘em throw down at Coachella (or one of hundreds of other festivals), you’ve become a part of their extended family. Dropkick Murphys’ music has generated half-a-billion streams, they’ve quietly moved 8 million-plus units worldwide and the band has sold out gigs on multiple continents.
In 2020, the band was one of the first to embrace streaming performances, starting with their Streaming Up From Boston St. Patrick’s Day virtual performance. It was followed by their landmark Streaming Outta Fenway livestream, which drew more than 5.9 million viewers and held the #3 spot on Pollstar’s “Top 2020 Live Streams” chart. Dropkick Murphys St. Patrick’s Day Stream 2021…Still Locked Down, was #1 on Pollstar’s Livestream chart for the week ending March 22, 2021, logging over 1 million views. Dropkick Murphys returned in 2022 with their first-ever all-acoustic album, This Machine Still Kills Fascists (Dummy Luck Music / [PIAS]), and seated theater tour. This Machine Still Kills Fascists–and their follow-up album Okemah Rising–breathe musical life into mostly unpublished lyrics by the legendary Woody Guthrie, curated for the band by Woody’s daughter Nora Guthrie.